Monday, November 17, 2008


1. Do we know what is actually needed and how much it will cost - the financial goal? Does the Board agree with and accept this need and goal? Will the Board give the campaign maximum financial support and active leadership? Will they go out and ask others for gifts?

2. Is the need for our campaign compelling? Can a strong case for support be clearly articulated to “sell” this need to the congregation?

3. Has our membership been adequately involved in the process of developing the case for support and our priorities?

4. Is our need and dollar goal realistic? Do we know who the major leadership gift
prospects are and what they think about the campaign? Will they give?

5. Has it been determined how many gifts and what levels of giving will be needed for a successful campaign?

6. Do we have a realistic time frame and pattern of organization for implementing the
campaign? Do we have the volunteer organization to do the job that must be done?
Are they motivated and trained?

7. Do we have the necessary budget available to launch the campaign?

8. Is our staff (Rabbis, educators, administrators) knowledgeable of and supportive of this campaign?

9. Do we have the support staff capable of handling the administration of the
campaign, such as assignments, pledge and payment records, acknowledgment of gifts, etc.?

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